

Hi guyssss, thanks for clicking on meeeee :)

This page is just so you can all get to know a bit about me.

I am a 20 year old media student from Geordie land! :) HA!
I love all things food, cat & music related to keep it short and sweet! :P

I aspire to travel the world & make it big in the media & journalism world..so if you could all cross your fingers & pray for me, it'd be greatly appreciated. :) :)

So yeh, that's just a teenie lil snippet of moi & hopefully you'll get to know me a bit more as I continue to blog for Through Our Eyes! :)

P.s I apologise in advance for any Geordie slang I may slip into when I write sometimes..(it's somewhat understandable I promise :P )

Putting a face to the name for you all! :)

Enjoy reading guysss,

Lots of love,

Charlotte! x <3

Are we friends on social media??

Twitter: @tipsntricks7
Instagram: @tipsntricks7
Blog: www.tipstricksntsntrums.wordpress.com
Email: tipstricksntantrums@gmail.com

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